# | File_Name,A,8 | Field_Name,A,35 | Help_Text,M,90
1 | ABSENCES | Code | |
2 | ABSENCES | Combine_into_code | |
3 | ABSENCES | Count_towards_OT | |
4 | ABSENCES | Description | Provide a description of the absence / pay code. |
5 | ABSENCES | Doubletime | |
6 | ABSENCES | Notes | This area allows additional absence / pay code notes for your own use. |
7 | ABSENCES | Overtime | |
8 | ABSENCES | Payable | Check this box if the absence / pay code is a pay hours vs non-pay hours. |
9 | ABSENCES | Points | |
10 | ABSENCES | Regular | |
11 | ACCESS | Button_Position | Enter the position for this button, 1 through 12 from left to right. |
12 | ACCESS | Icon_Number | |
13 | ACCESS | Is_A_Button | |
14 | ACCESS | Last_Ring_Date | |
15 | ACCESS | Level_0_Access | |
16 | ACCESS | Level_1_Access | |
17 | ACCESS | Level_2_Access | |
18 | ACCESS | Level_3_Access | |
19 | ACCESS | Menu_ID_no | |
20 | ACCESS | Menu_Label | |
21 | ACCESS | Override_Label | This is a user override field to customize the label on the menu item. |
22 | ACCESS | Ring_Daily | |
23 | ACCESS | Ring_Dayofmonth_no | |
24 | ACCESS | Ring_Monthly | |
25 | ACCESS | Ring_Time | |
26 | ACCESS | Ring_Weekday_no | |
27 | ACCESS | Ring_Weekdays | |
28 | ACCESS | Ring_Weekly | |
29 | ACCESS | Station_Name | |
30 | ACCESS | Turn_off_menu_item | |
31 | ACCESS | Wavefilename | To play a sound when starting up the event, enter the name of the sound file. |
32 | ACTIVITY | Activity | |
33 | ACTIVITY | Bud_Expense_MTD | Enter your company's monthly expense budget for this charge record. |
34 | ACTIVITY | Bud_Expense_YTD | Enter your company's yearly expense budget for this charge record. |
35 | ACTIVITY | Bud_Labor_MTD | Enter your company's monthly labor budget for this charge record. |
36 | ACTIVITY | Bud_Labor_YTD | Enter your company's yearly labor budget for this charge record. |
37 | ACTIVITY | Bud_Overhead_MTD | Enter your company's monthly overhead budget for this charge record. |
38 | ACTIVITY | Bud_Overhead_YTD | Enter your company's yearly overhead budget for this charge record. |
39 | ACTIVITY | Bud_Total_MTD | Enter your company's total monthly budget for this charge record. |
40 | ACTIVITY | Bud_Total_YTD | Enter your company's total yearly budget for this charge record. |
41 | ACTIVITY | Description | Enter a description for the Activity Code. |
42 | ACTIVITY | Expense_MTD | Enter your company's monthly expense for this charge record. |
43 | ACTIVITY | Expense_YTD | Enter your company's yearly expense for this charge record. |
44 | ACTIVITY | Labor_MTD | Enter your company's monthly labor expense for this charge record. |
45 | ACTIVITY | Labor_YTD | Enter your company's yearly labor expense for this charge record. |
46 | ACTIVITY | Notes | This is a free form notes field you can use for whatever purpose. |
47 | ACTIVITY | Overhead_MTD | Enter your company's monthly overhead expense for this charge record. |
48 | ACTIVITY | Overhead_YTD | Enter your company's yearly overhead expense for this charge record. |
49 | ACTIVITY | Total_MTD | Enter your company's total monthly expense for this charge record. |
50 | ACTIVITY | Total_YTD | Enter your company's total yearly expense for this charge record. |
51 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_1 | |
52 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_10 | |
53 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_11 | |
54 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_12 | |
55 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_13 | |
56 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_14 | |
57 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_15 | |
58 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_16 | |
59 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_17 | |
60 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_18 | |
61 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_19 | |
62 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_2 | |
63 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_20 | |
64 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_21 | |
65 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_22 | |
66 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_23 | |
67 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_24 | |
68 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_25 | |
69 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_26 | |
70 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_27 | |
71 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_28 | |
72 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_29 | |
73 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_3 | |
74 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_30 | |
75 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_31 | |
76 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_32 | |
77 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_33 | |
78 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_34 | |
79 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_35 | |
80 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_36 | |
81 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_37 | |
82 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_38 | |
83 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_39 | |
84 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_4 | |
85 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_40 | |
86 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_41 | |
87 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_42 | |
88 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_43 | |
89 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_44 | |
90 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_45 | |
91 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_46 | |
92 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_47 | |
93 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_48 | |
94 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_49 | |
95 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_5 | |
96 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_50 | |
97 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_51 | |
98 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_52 | |
99 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_53 | |
100 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_54 | |
101 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_55 | |
102 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_6 | |
103 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_7 | |
104 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_8 | |
105 | ASCIFILE | Data_Field_9 | |
106 | ASCIFILE | Input_Filename | |
107 | ASCIFILE | Template_ID | |
108 | ASSETS | Asset_Code | |
109 | ASSETS | Bud_Expense_MTD | Enter your company's monthly expense budget for this charge record. |
110 | ASSETS | Bud_Expense_YTD | Enter your company's yearly expense budget for this charge record. |
111 | ASSETS | Bud_Labor_MTD | Enter your company's monthly labor budget for this charge record. |
112 | ASSETS | Bud_Labor_YTD | Enter your company's yearly labor budget for this charge record. |
113 | ASSETS | Bud_Overhead_MTD | Enter your company's monthly overhead budget for this charge record. |
114 | ASSETS | Bud_Overhead_YTD | Enter your company's yearly overhead budget for this charge record. |
115 | ASSETS | Bud_Total_MTD | Enter your company's total monthly budget expense for this charge record. |
116 | ASSETS | Bud_Total_YTD | Enter your company's total yearly budget for this charge record. |
117 | ASSETS | Depr_Method | Enter the depreciation method for this asset. |
118 | ASSETS | Expense_MTD | Enter your company's monthly expense for this charge record. |
119 | ASSETS | Expense_YTD | Enter your company's yearly expense for this charge record. |
120 | ASSETS | Labor_MTD | Enter your company's monthly labor expense for this charge record. |
121 | ASSETS | Labor_YTD | Enter your company's yearly labor expense for this charge record. |
122 | ASSETS | Location | Enter the location of the asset. |
123 | ASSETS | Model_Number | Enter the model type in this field for the asset. |
124 | ASSETS | Notes_1 | This is a free form notes field you can use for whatever purpose. |
125 | ASSETS | Notes_2 | This is a second free form notes field you can use for whatever purpose. |
126 | ASSETS | Other_Costs | Enter any other cost related information for this asset. |
127 | ASSETS | Overhead_MTD | Enter your company's monthly overhead expense for this charge record. |
128 | ASSETS | Overhead_YTD | Enter your company's yearly overhead expense for this charge record. |
129 | ASSETS | Purchase_Cost | Enter the purchase cost of the asset. |
130 | ASSETS | Purchase_Date | From the calendar pulldown box enter the asset's purchase date. |
131 | ASSETS | Serial_Number | Enter the asset's serial number in this field. |
132 | ASSETS | Total_MTD | Enter your company's total monthly expense for this charge record. |
133 | ASSETS | Total_YTD | Enter your company's total yearly expense for this charge record. |
134 | ASSETS | Vendor | Enter the Vendor's name or company. |
135 | AUTHRIZE | Authorized_By | Enter the user-name of the person authorizing the over-time. |
136 | AUTHRIZE | Authorized_Hours | Enter the amount of over-time hours that is authorized. |
137 | AUTHRIZE | Badge | |
138 | AUTHRIZE | First_Day | |
139 | AUTHRIZE | Last_Day | |
140 | AUTHRIZE | Note | A reason can be typed in here. |
141 | AUTHRIZE | OT_Schedtime | |
142 | AUTHRIZE | OT_is_AfterClockout | |
143 | AUTHRIZE | OT_is_AfterTime | |
144 | AUTHRIZE | OT_is_BeforeClockin | |
145 | AUTHRIZE | OT_is_BeforeTime | |
146 | AUTHRIZE | Rate_Multiplier | Enter the rate multipler for the hours to apply. |
147 | AUTHRIZE | Saturday | |
148 | AUTHRIZE | Starting_Date | Enter the starting date for the over-time being authorized as mm:dd:yy. |
149 | AUTHRIZE | Sunday | |
150 | AUTHRIZE | Thru_Date | Enter the ending date for the over-time being authorized as mm:dd:yy. |
151 | BARDEF | Card_horiz_inches | The width of the card in inches. |
152 | BARDEF | Card_vert_inches | The height of the card in inches. |
153 | BARDEF | Document_ID | |
154 | BARDEF | Horiz_margin_inches | |
155 | BARDEF | Input_Filename | |
156 | BARDEF | Inside_horiz_margin | |
157 | BARDEF | Inside_vertical_margin | |
158 | BARDEF | Left_margin_inches | The left margin of the output in inches. |
159 | BARDEF | Level_0_Access | |
160 | BARDEF | Level_1_Access | |
161 | BARDEF | Level_2_Access | |
162 | BARDEF | Level_3_Access | |
163 | BARDEF | Link_to_DOCID | |
164 | BARDEF | Locate_BorderPCT | Simple % horizontal margin to go around the output paper size. |
165 | BARDEF | Max_Labels_PerPage | |
166 | BARDEF | Mgr Access | |
167 | BARDEF | No_Labels_Across | |
168 | BARDEF | No_Labels_Down | Enter how many labels down you will want printed on the letter size paper. |
169 | BARDEF | Object_1 | |
170 | BARDEF | Object_6 | |
171 | BARDEF | Part_Label_Document | |
172 | BARDEF | Pen_Width_Pixels | |
173 | BARDEF | PrintAGrid_Layout | |
174 | BARDEF | Print_A_Border | This option can be checked if you want a border around each label. |
175 | BARDEF | Right_margin_inches | The top margin of the output in inches. |
176 | BARDEF | Round_Corner | |
177 | BARDEF | Router | |
178 | BARDEF | Router_Document | |
179 | BARDEF | Simple_pct_method | |
180 | BARDEF | Sort_ID | |
181 | BARDEF | Vert_margin_inches | |
182 | BARDEF | Vertical_BorderPCT_IN | Simple % vertical margin to go around the output paper size. |
183 | BELLTIME | Bell_Daily | Do the bell or sound every day of the week, Sunday through Saturday. |
184 | BELLTIME | Bell_Monthly | Do the event each month, on the day of month that I set below, 1-31. |
185 | BELLTIME | Bell_Time | Entering a non-zero time will cause this event to be scheduled. |
186 | BELLTIME | Bell_Weekdays | Do the event each weekday, Monday through Friday. |
187 | BELLTIME | Bell_Weekliy | Do the event once a week, on the day # set below, 0=Sunday, through 6=Saturday. |
188 | BELLTIME | Bell_isat_terminal | |
189 | BELLTIME | Bell_terminal_no | |
190 | BELLTIME | Dayofmonth_no | Enter the day of the month the monthly event is to be done. |
191 | BELLTIME | Duration_milliseconds | |
192 | BELLTIME | IO_Hex_Address | |
193 | BELLTIME | Last_Bell_Date | |
194 | BELLTIME | No_of_Rings | |
195 | BELLTIME | Playwavefilename | |
196 | BELLTIME | Station_Name | |
197 | BELLTIME | Weekday_no | Enter the weekday number to do the event, 0=sunday, through 6=saturday. |
198 | CLASSES | Class | |
199 | CLASSES | Description | Describe this job classification. |
200 | CLASSES | Doubletime_PCT | Your doubletime or overtime 2 rate for this job classification. |
201 | CLASSES | Labor_Rate | Your labor rate for this job classification. |
202 | CLASSES | Note | Unlimited text for additional information on this job class. |
203 | CLASSES | Overhead_Rate | Your overhead rate for this job classification. |
204 | CLASSES | Overtime_PCT | Your overtime rate for this job classification. |
205 | CLASSES | Pay_Rate | Your base pay rate for this job class. |
206 | CLIENTS | Bud_Expense_MTD | Enter your company's monthly expense budget for this charge record. |
207 | CLIENTS | Bud_Expense_YTD | Enter your company's yearly expense budget for this charge record. |
208 | CLIENTS | Bud_Labor_MTD | Enter your company's monthly labor budget for this charge record. |
209 | CLIENTS | Bud_Labor_YTD | Enter your company's yearly labor budget for this charge record. |
210 | CLIENTS | Bud_Overhead_MTD | Enter your company's monthly overhead budget for this charge record. |
211 | CLIENTS | Bud_Overhead_YTD | Enter your company's yearly overhead budget for this charge record. |
212 | CLIENTS | Bud_Total_MTD | Enter your company's total monthly budget for this charge record. |
213 | CLIENTS | Bud_Total_YTD | Enter your company's total yearly budget for this charge record. |
214 | CLIENTS | City | Enter the client's city. |
215 | CLIENTS | Client_Code | |
216 | CLIENTS | Company | Enter the client's company name. |
217 | CLIENTS | Contact | Enter the client's name. |
218 | CLIENTS | Expense_MTD | Enter your company's monthly expense for this charge record. |
219 | CLIENTS | Expense_YTD | Enter your company's yearly expense for this charge record. |
220 | CLIENTS | Labor_MTD | Enter your company's monthly labor expense for this charge record. |
221 | CLIENTS | Labor_YTD | Enter your company's yearly labor expense for this charge record. |
222 | CLIENTS | Note | This is a free form notes field you can use for whatever purpose. |
223 | CLIENTS | Overhead_MTD | Enter your company's monthly overhead expense for this charge record. |
224 | CLIENTS | Overhead_YTD | Enter your company's yearly overhead expense for this charge record. |
225 | CLIENTS | Phone | Enter the client's phone number. |
226 | CLIENTS | State | Enter the client's state. (use two character abbreviation) |
227 | CLIENTS | Street | Enter the client's address. |
228 | CLIENTS | Title | Enter the client's title. |
229 | CLIENTS | Total_MTD | Enter your company's total monthly expense for this charge record. |
230 | CLIENTS | Total_YTD | Enter your company's total yearly expense for this charge record. |
231 | CLIENTS | Zip | Enter client's zip code. (there's even room for the zip +4 codes) |
232 | DATABASE | AlphaNumeric | |
233 | DATABASE | Auto_incrementing | |
234 | DATABASE | Checkbox | |
235 | DATABASE | Checkbox3way | |
236 | DATABASE | Combo_Box | |
237 | DATABASE | Combo_Box_Fills | |
238 | DATABASE | Combo_File_File | |
239 | DATABASE | Date | |
240 | DATABASE | Date_counter_field | |
241 | DATABASE | Display_Order | |
242 | DATABASE | Field_Label | |
243 | DATABASE | Field_Name | |
244 | DATABASE | Field_Number | |
245 | DATABASE | Filename | |
246 | DATABASE | First_Auto_No | |
247 | DATABASE | Integer | |
248 | DATABASE | Length | |
249 | DATABASE | Lower_limit | |
250 | DATABASE | Memo | |
251 | DATABASE | No_Display | |
252 | DATABASE | Numeric_Picture | |
253 | DATABASE | Numeric_Picture_Use | |
254 | DATABASE | Print_no_counter_field | |
255 | DATABASE | Read_Only | Read Only will only allow the user to view the data in this data field. |
256 | DATABASE | Read_Write | Read/Write will allow the user to view and add/edit data in this field. |
257 | DATABASE | Time | |
258 | DATABASE | Unique_Field | |
259 | DATABASE | Upper_limit | |
260 | DDF | Color_Green | |
261 | DDF | Color_Red | |
262 | DDF | Color_blue | |
263 | DDF | Field_Name | |
264 | DDF | File_Name | |
265 | DDF | Invisible | |
266 | DDF | Label | |
267 | DDF | Level_0_Access | |
268 | DDF | Level_1_Access | |
269 | DDF | Level_2_Access | |
270 | DDF | Level_3_Access | |
271 | DDF | Read_Only | |
272 | DDF | Required | |
273 | DEPTS | Bill_Rate_Dollars | |
274 | DEPTS | Break_End_1 | |
275 | DEPTS | Break_End_2 | |
276 | DEPTS | Break_End_3 | |
277 | DEPTS | Break_End_4 | |
278 | DEPTS | Break_Start_1 | |
279 | DEPTS | Break_Start_2 | |
280 | DEPTS | Break_Start_3 | |
281 | DEPTS | Break_Start_4 | |
282 | DEPTS | Clock_IN_Time | |
283 | DEPTS | Clock_OUT_Time | |
284 | DEPTS | Cost_Rate_Dollars | |
285 | DEPTS | Default_Direct | |
286 | DEPTS | Default_Indirect | |
287 | DEPTS | Department_No | |
288 | DEPTS | Lunch_Length | |
289 | DEPTS | Lunch_Start | |
290 | DEPTS | Notes | |
291 | DEPTS | OptionSet_ID | |
292 | DEPTS | Overhead_Rate_PCT | |
293 | DEPTS | Overtime1_Rate_PCT | |
294 | DEPTS | Overtime2_Rate_PCT | |
295 | DEPTS | Paid_Lunch | If you are paying for the lunch period, then check this box. |
296 | DEPTS | Pay_Rate | |
297 | DEPTS | PersonHrs_Required | |
298 | DEPTS | Shift_No | Enter the shift number for the department/shift record. |
299 | DEPTS | Shift_Volume | |
300 | DEPTS | Site_Location_Code | |
301 | DEPTS | Supervisor | |
302 | DEPTS | Transaction_Access | |
303 | DEPTS | User_Def_1 | |
304 | DEPTS | User_Def_2 | This is a free form alphanumeric field you can use for whatever purpose. |
305 | DEPTS | User_Def_3 | This is a free form alphanumeric field you can use for whatever purpose. |
306 | DEPTS | User_Def_4 | This is a free form alphanumeric field you can use for whatever purpose. |
307 | DEPTS | User_Def_5 | This is a free form alphanumeric field you can use for whatever purpose. |
308 | DEPTS | User_Def_6 | This is a free form alphanumeric field you can use for whatever purpose. |
309 | DEPTS | User_Def_7 | This is a free form notes field you can use for whatever purpose. |
310 | DEPTS | User_Def_8 | This is a free form notes field you can use for whatever purpose. |
311 | DEPTS | User_Def_9 | This is a free form notes field you can use for whatever purpose. |
312 | DOORS | Door_Terminal_No | |
313 | DOORS | Station_Name | |
314 | EMPLOYEE | Accr_Rate_Per_Week | |
315 | EMPLOYEE | Accrued_Hours_ToDate | |
316 | EMPLOYEE | Accrued_Sick_Hours | |
317 | EMPLOYEE | Annual_Review | |
318 | EMPLOYEE | Badge | |
319 | EMPLOYEE | Bill_Rate | |
320 | EMPLOYEE | Birth_Date | Enter the employee's date of birth. |
321 | EMPLOYEE | City | Enter the employee's city. |
322 | EMPLOYEE | Clock_in_time | |
323 | EMPLOYEE | Clock_out | |
324 | EMPLOYEE | Company | |
325 | EMPLOYEE | Cost_Rate | |
326 | EMPLOYEE | Current_Group_No | |
327 | EMPLOYEE | Deactiviated_Worker | |
328 | EMPLOYEE | Default_Direct | |
329 | EMPLOYEE | Default_Indirect | |
330 | EMPLOYEE | Department_No | |
331 | EMPLOYEE | EmployeeNo | |
332 | EMPLOYEE | First_Name | Enter the employeeÆs first name in this field (up to 10 characters) |
333 | EMPLOYEE | Hire_Date | |
334 | EMPLOYEE | Home_Group_No | |
335 | EMPLOYEE | Home_Phone | Enter the employee's home phone number. |
336 | EMPLOYEE | Home_Terminal_No | |
337 | EMPLOYEE | In_Out | |
338 | EMPLOYEE | Job_Class | |
339 | EMPLOYEE | Last_Name | Enter the employeeÆs last name in this field (up to 15 characters) |
340 | EMPLOYEE | Level_0_Access | |
341 | EMPLOYEE | Level_1_Access | |
342 | EMPLOYEE | Level_2_Access | |
343 | EMPLOYEE | Level_3_Access | |
344 | EMPLOYEE | Lunch_length | |
345 | EMPLOYEE | Lunch_start | |
346 | EMPLOYEE | More_Notes | This is a free form notes field you can use for whatever purpose. |
347 | EMPLOYEE | Name | Enter the employee's full name. |
348 | EMPLOYEE | Option_Set_ID | |
349 | EMPLOYEE | Paid_lunch | If you are paying for the lunch period, then check this box. |
350 | EMPLOYEE | Part_Time_Employee | Check this box if this employee is only a part time employee. |
351 | EMPLOYEE | Password | |
352 | EMPLOYEE | Pay_Rate | |
353 | EMPLOYEE | Scheduling_Notes | |
354 | EMPLOYEE | Shift_No | |
355 | EMPLOYEE | Short_Note | This is a free form alphanumeric field you can use for whatever purpose. |
356 | EMPLOYEE | Sick_Leave_Accrual_Rate | |
357 | EMPLOYEE | Site_Location_Code | |
358 | EMPLOYEE | State | Enter the employee's state. |
359 | EMPLOYEE | Street | Enter the employee's street address. |
360 | EMPLOYEE | Supervisor | |
361 | EMPLOYEE | Temporary_Worker | Check this if the employee is a temporary worker. |
362 | EMPLOYEE | Title | |
363 | EMPLOYEE | Trans_Access | |
364 | EMPLOYEE | Triggers | |
365 | EMPLOYEE | UserDef7 | |
366 | EMPLOYEE | UserDef8 | |
367 | EMPLOYEE | UserDef9 | |
368 | EMPLOYEE | Weekly_Limit_Hours | |
369 | EMPLOYEE | Weekly_SickLeave_Limit | |
370 | EMPLOYEE | Yearly_Hours_To_Accrue | |
371 | EMPLOYEE | Yearly_SickLeave_Hours | |
372 | EMPLOYEE | Zip | Enter the employee's zip code. |
373 | FILES | Barcode_Prefix_Letter | |
374 | FILES | Filename | |
375 | FILTERS | Filter_ID | |
376 | FUNCKEYS | Assigned_KeyID_No | |
377 | FUNCKEYS | Description | |
378 | FUNCKEYS | Function_Key_No | |
379 | FUNCKEYS | Notes | |
380 | FUNCKEYS | Prompt | |
381 | FUNCKEYS | Sequence_No | |
382 | FUNCKEYS | Size_of_Data | |
383 | FUNCKEYS | Target_Textbox_No | |
384 | FUNCKEYS | Target_Transact_FieldNo | |
385 | FUNCKEYS | Terminal_List | |
386 | FUNCKEYS | Transaction_Code | |
387 | FUNCKEYS | Validation File # | |
388 | FUNCKEYS | Wand_only_input | |
389 | GROUPS | Default_Direct | |
390 | GROUPS | Default_Indirect | |
391 | GROUPS | Group_Charge | This field is maintaned by Clock-IN! It contains the last group charge number. |
392 | GROUPS | Group_No | |
393 | GROUPS | Notes | Notes you can keep on the group. |
394 | GROUPS | Supervisor | Enter the supervisors name for the group or crew. |
395 | GROUPS | Transaction_Access | |
396 | HELPTEXT | Field Name | This is the name of the field found in the original Paradox index file. |
397 | HELPTEXT | File Name | |
398 | HELPTEXT | Help Text | |
399 | HISTORY | Badge | Employee badge number. You can keep status change history in this database. |
400 | IBMOPTS | Accept_ReprogramBadge | |
401 | IBMOPTS | Allow_Terminal_Writes | |
402 | IBMOPTS | Badge_Reader_Type | |
403 | IBMOPTS | Badge_Unlock_KB | |
404 | IBMOPTS | Idle_Display_Format | |
405 | IBMOPTS | Lock_keyboard | |
406 | IBMOPTS | No_Beeps | |
407 | IBMOPTS | No_Beeps_Bad | |
408 | IBMOPTS | No_Beeps_Good | |
409 | IBMOPTS | Qtr_Secs_Beeps_Bad | |
410 | IBMOPTS | Terminal_Mode | |
411 | IBMOPTS | Time_format | |
412 | IBMOPTS | Timestamp_Format | |
413 | JOBS | JobNo | |
414 | JOBS | Note_1 | This is a free form notes field you can use for whatever purpose. |
415 | JOBS | Note_2 | This is a second free form notes field you can use for whatever purpose. |
416 | LOGTIMES | UserName | |
417 | MACHINES | Description | This is a free form notes field you can use for whatever purpose. |
418 | MACHINES | Machine | |
419 | MEETINGS | Daily | This field is not used. |
420 | MEETINGS | Dayofmonth_no | This field is not used. |
421 | MEETINGS | Description | |
422 | MEETINGS | End_Time | Enter the code's ending time in this field in the hh:mm:ss format. |
423 | MEETINGS | Manager | Enter the name of the person in charge of or responsible for the specific code. |
424 | MEETINGS | Meeting_Code | |
425 | MEETINGS | Monthly | This field is not used. |
426 | MEETINGS | Notes | This is a free form notes field you can use for whatever purpose. |
427 | MEETINGS | Phone | Enter the contact's phone number in this field. |
428 | MEETINGS | Recurring_Time | This field is not used. |
429 | MEETINGS | Start_Time | Enter the code's starting time in this field in the hh:mm:ss format. |
430 | MEETINGS | Static_Date | Enter the code's starting or refrence date in this field. |
431 | MEETINGS | Weekday_no | This field is not used. |
432 | MEETINGS | Weekdays | This field is not used. |
433 | MEETINGS | Weekly | This field is not used. |
434 | OPTIONS | Auto Award Time MOU | |
435 | OPTIONS | CDS_Round | |
436 | OPTIONS | CDS_Split | |
437 | OPTIONS | CEH_Round | |
438 | OPTIONS | CEH_Split | |
439 | OPTIONS | CFN_Round | |
440 | OPTIONS | CFN_Split | |
441 | OPTIONS | CIN_Split | |
442 | OPTIONS | CSL_Round | |
443 | OPTIONS | CSL_Split | |
444 | OPTIONS | CST_Round | |
445 | OPTIONS | CST_Split | |
446 | OPTIONS | Charge_Breaks | |
447 | OPTIONS | Clear_Prior_Day | |
448 | OPTIONS | Closeouts_to_Direct | |
449 | OPTIONS | Closeouts_to_Indirect | |
450 | OPTIONS | Date_Based_Schedule | |
451 | OPTIONS | Day1 | |
452 | OPTIONS | Day10 | |
453 | OPTIONS | Day11 | |
454 | OPTIONS | Day12 | |
455 | OPTIONS | Day13 | |
456 | OPTIONS | Day14 | |
457 | OPTIONS | Day15 | |
458 | OPTIONS | Day16 | |
459 | OPTIONS | Day17 | |
460 | OPTIONS | Day18 | |
461 | OPTIONS | Day19 | |
462 | OPTIONS | Day2 | |
463 | OPTIONS | Day20 | |
464 | OPTIONS | Day21 | |
465 | OPTIONS | Day22 | |
466 | OPTIONS | Day23 | |
467 | OPTIONS | Day24 | |
468 | OPTIONS | Day25 | |
469 | OPTIONS | Day26 | |
470 | OPTIONS | Day27 | |
471 | OPTIONS | Day28 | |
472 | OPTIONS | Day29 | |
473 | OPTIONS | Day3 | |
474 | OPTIONS | Day30 | |
475 | OPTIONS | Day31 | |
476 | OPTIONS | Day32 | |
477 | OPTIONS | Day34 | |
478 | OPTIONS | Day35 | |
479 | OPTIONS | Day36 | |
480 | OPTIONS | Day38 | |
481 | OPTIONS | Day39 | |
482 | OPTIONS | Day4 | |
483 | OPTIONS | Day40 | |
484 | OPTIONS | Day41 | |
485 | OPTIONS | Day42 | |
486 | OPTIONS | Day43 | |
487 | OPTIONS | Day44 | |
488 | OPTIONS | Day45 | |
489 | OPTIONS | Day46 | |
490 | OPTIONS | Day47 | |
491 | OPTIONS | Day48 | |
492 | OPTIONS | Day49 | |
493 | OPTIONS | Day5 | |
494 | OPTIONS | Day50 | |
495 | OPTIONS | Day51 | |
496 | OPTIONS | Day52 | |
497 | OPTIONS | Day53 | |
498 | OPTIONS | Day54 | |
499 | OPTIONS | Day55 | |
500 | OPTIONS | Day56 | |
501 | OPTIONS | Day57 | |
502 | OPTIONS | Day58 | |
503 | OPTIONS | Day59 | |
504 | OPTIONS | Day6 | |
505 | OPTIONS | Day60 | |
506 | OPTIONS | Day7 | |
507 | OPTIONS | Day8 | |
508 | OPTIONS | Day9 | |
509 | OPTIONS | Description | Expansion field. |
510 | OPTIONS | Earlier_Interval | |
511 | OPTIONS | Early_In | |
512 | OPTIONS | Early_Interval | |
513 | OPTIONS | Endday_Round | |
514 | OPTIONS | Enforce_Overtime | |
515 | OPTIONS | Entry_Override | |
516 | OPTIONS | First_Pay_Day | |
517 | OPTIONS | Fixed_DOW_Schedule | Fixed-DayofWeek Schedule |
518 | OPTIONS | Fixed_Schedule | |
519 | OPTIONS | Float_lunch | Check this option if you want to allow the lunch schedule to float. |
520 | OPTIONS | Friday_OVT2_Limit | |
521 | OPTIONS | Friday_OVT_Limit | |
522 | OPTIONS | Friday_isWorkday | |
523 | OPTIONS | Grace_IN | |
524 | OPTIONS | Grace_OUT | |
525 | OPTIONS | Group No | |
526 | OPTIONS | IN_Round | |
527 | OPTIONS | Inout_Grace_Interval | |
528 | OPTIONS | Linger_OUT | |
529 | OPTIONS | Lunch_Float | |
530 | OPTIONS | Lunch_Grace_Backlate | |
531 | OPTIONS | Lunch_Grace_Early | |
532 | OPTIONS | Monday_OVT2_Limit | |
533 | OPTIONS | Monday_OVT_Limit | |
534 | OPTIONS | Monday_isWorkday | |
535 | OPTIONS | NoLun_UntilAfter_Hours | |
536 | OPTIONS | No_Schedule | |
537 | OPTIONS | OUT_Round | |
538 | OPTIONS | OUT_Split | |
539 | OPTIONS | OptionSet_ID | |
540 | OPTIONS | PP_Monthly | Check this option for a monthly payroll. |
541 | OPTIONS | PP_Twiceamonth | |
542 | OPTIONS | PP_UserDefined_Length | Select this option for repeating payrolls like payrolls run every two weeks. |
543 | OPTIONS | PP_Weekly | |
544 | OPTIONS | Parms_In_Mins | |
545 | OPTIONS | Pay_Period_OVT2_Limit | |
546 | OPTIONS | Pay_Period_OVT_Limit | |
547 | OPTIONS | Rotating_Shift | Check this option if this option set is for rotating shift employees. |
548 | OPTIONS | Rotation_Length_Days | |
549 | OPTIONS | Rotation_Start_Date | |
550 | OPTIONS | Saturday DLB | Click the first box in this column for explanation. |
551 | OPTIONS | Saturday_OVT2_Limit | |
552 | OPTIONS | Saturday_OVT_Limit | |
553 | OPTIONS | Saturday_isWorkday | |
554 | OPTIONS | Sliding_Breaks | |
555 | OPTIONS | Sliding_Schedule | |
556 | OPTIONS | Start_ofweek_time | Enter the time of day the pay period starts at on the assigned day. |
557 | OPTIONS | Sunday_OVT2_Limit | |
558 | OPTIONS | Sunday_OVT_Limit | |
559 | OPTIONS | Sunday_isWorkday | |
560 | OPTIONS | TSL_Round | |
561 | OPTIONS | TSL_Split | |
562 | OPTIONS | Thursday_OVT2_Limit | |
563 | OPTIONS | Thursday_OVT_Limit | |
564 | OPTIONS | Thursday_isWorkday | |
565 | OPTIONS | Time_Interval | |
566 | OPTIONS | Tuesday_OVT2_Limit | |
567 | OPTIONS | Tuesday_OVT_Limit | |
568 | OPTIONS | Tuesday_isWorkday | |
569 | OPTIONS | UserDefLenDays | |
570 | OPTIONS | Wednesday_OVT2_Limit | |
571 | OPTIONS | Wednesday_OVT_Limit | |
572 | OPTIONS | Wednesday_isWorkday | |
573 | PARTS | Bud_Expense_MTD | Enter your company's monthly labor expense for this charge record. |
574 | PARTS | Bud_Expense_YTD | Enter your company's monthly labor expense for this charge record. |
575 | PARTS | Bud_Labor_MTD | Enter your company's monthly labor expense for this charge record. |
576 | PARTS | Bud_Labor_YTD | Enter your company's monthly labor expense for this charge record. |
577 | PARTS | Bud_Overhead_MTD | Enter your company's monthly labor expense for this charge record. |
578 | PARTS | Bud_Overhead_YTD | Enter your company's monthly labor expense for this charge record. |
579 | PARTS | Bud_Total_MTD | Enter your company's monthly labor expense for this charge record. |
580 | PARTS | Bud_Total_YTD | Enter your company's monthly labor expense for this charge record. |
581 | PARTS | Description | This is a free form notes field you can use for whatever purpose. |
582 | PARTS | Expense_MTD | Enter your company's monthly labor expense for this charge record. |
583 | PARTS | Expense_YTD | Enter your company's monthly labor expense for this charge record. |
584 | PARTS | Labor_MTD | Enter your company's monthly labor expense for this charge record. |
585 | PARTS | Labor_YTD | Enter your company's monthly labor expense for this charge record. |
586 | PARTS | Overhead_MTD | Enter your company's monthly labor expense for this charge record. |
587 | PARTS | Overhead_YTD | Enter your company's monthly labor expense for this charge record. |
588 | PARTS | Part | |
589 | PARTS | Total_MTD | Enter your company's monthly labor expense for this charge record. |
590 | PARTS | Total_YTD | Enter your company's monthly labor expense for this charge record. |
591 | PHONES | Daily | |
592 | PHONES | Dayofmonth_No | |
593 | PHONES | Download_report_ID | Not used. |
594 | PHONES | End_Terminal_No | |
595 | PHONES | Last_Dial_Date | |
596 | PHONES | Location_Description | Enter a description for the location code. |
597 | PHONES | Monthlys | |
598 | PHONES | Notes | |
599 | PHONES | Phone_Number_ToDial | |
600 | PHONES | Poll_Time | |
601 | PHONES | Replicate_Data | |
602 | PHONES | Site_Location_Code | |
603 | PHONES | Start_Terminal_No | |
604 | PHONES | Station_Name | |
605 | PHONES | Weekday_No | |
606 | PHONES | Weekdays | |
607 | PHONES | Weekly | |
608 | POLLSCHD | Daily | Do this event every day of the week, Sunday through Saturday. |
609 | POLLSCHD | Dayofmonth_No | Enter the day of the month if this event is schedule monthly. 1 through 31. |
610 | POLLSCHD | Download_too | |
611 | POLLSCHD | Last_Polled_Date | |
612 | POLLSCHD | Monthly | Enter the day of the month above, if you check this option. |
613 | POLLSCHD | Poll_Time | |
614 | POLLSCHD | Station_Name | |
615 | POLLSCHD | Weekday_No | Enter the weekday (sunday=0 through saturday=6) for events scheduled weekly. |
616 | POLLSCHD | Weekdays | This will run the event only on weekdays, Monday through Friday. |
617 | POLLSCHD | Weekly | |
618 | PROJECTS | Bud_Expense_MTD | Enter your company's monthly labor expense for this charge record. |
619 | PROJECTS | Bud_Expense_YTD | Enter your company's monthly labor expense for this charge record. |
620 | PROJECTS | Bud_Labor_MTD | Enter your company's monthly labor expense for this charge record. |
621 | PROJECTS | Bud_Labor_YTD | Enter your company's monthly labor expense for this charge record. |
622 | PROJECTS | Bud_Overhead_MTD | Enter your company's monthly labor expense for this charge record. |
623 | PROJECTS | Bud_Overhead_YTD | Enter your company's monthly labor expense for this charge record. |
624 | PROJECTS | Bud_Total_MTD | Enter your company's monthly labor expense for this charge record. |
625 | PROJECTS | Bud_Total_YTD | Enter your company's monthly labor expense for this charge record. |
626 | PROJECTS | Expense_MTD | Enter your company's monthly labor expense for this charge record. |
627 | PROJECTS | Expense_YTD | Enter your company's monthly labor expense for this charge record. |
628 | PROJECTS | Labor_MTD | Enter your company's monthly labor expense for this charge record. |
629 | PROJECTS | Labor_YTD | Enter your company's monthly labor expense for this charge record. |
630 | PROJECTS | Notes | This is a free form notes field you can use for whatever purpose. |
631 | PROJECTS | Overhead_MTD | Enter your company's monthly labor expense for this charge record. |
632 | PROJECTS | Overhead_YTD | Enter your company's monthly labor expense for this charge record. |
633 | PROJECTS | Project_Code | |
634 | PROJECTS | Total_MTD | Enter your company's monthly labor expense for this charge record. |
635 | PROJECTS | Total_YTD | Enter your company's monthly labor expense for this charge record. |
636 | QUEUE | Time Stamp | |
637 | REPTDEF | Daily | |
638 | REPTDEF | Date_Selection | |
639 | REPTDEF | Dayofmonth_No | |
640 | REPTDEF | EZ_Button_Report | |
641 | REPTDEF | Group_Selection | |
642 | REPTDEF | Last_Run_Date | This field is read only and is updated every time you run the report. |
643 | REPTDEF | Level_0_Access | |
644 | REPTDEF | Level_1_Access | |
645 | REPTDEF | Level_2_Access | |
646 | REPTDEF | Level_3_Access | |
647 | REPTDEF | Long_Description | You can enter a lengthy description of the report format here. |
648 | REPTDEF | Monthly | |
649 | REPTDEF | Popup_Description | |
650 | REPTDEF | Record_Selection | Besides a date selection, you can provide other bases to select records. |
651 | REPTDEF | Report_Filename | |
652 | REPTDEF | Report_ID | |
653 | REPTDEF | Station_Name | |
654 | REPTDEF | Time | |
655 | REPTDEF | Used_For | A description of the report use that you intend. |
656 | REPTDEF | Weekday_No | |
657 | REPTDEF | Weekdays | |
658 | REPTDEF | Weekly | |
659 | ROUTINGS | Bud_Expense_MTD | Enter your company's monthly expense budget for this charge record. |
660 | ROUTINGS | Bud_Expense_YTD | Enter your company's yearly expense budget for this charge record. |
661 | ROUTINGS | Bud_Labor_MTD | Enter your company's monthly labor budget for this charge record. |
662 | ROUTINGS | Bud_Labor_YTD | Enter your company's yearly labor budget for this charge record. |
663 | ROUTINGS | Bud_Overhead_MTD | Enter your company's monthly overhead budget for this charge record. |
664 | ROUTINGS | Bud_Overhead_YTD | Enter your company's yearly overhead budget for this charge record. |
665 | ROUTINGS | Bud_Total_MTD | Enter your company's total monthly budget for this charge record. |
666 | ROUTINGS | Bud_Total_YTD | Enter your company's total yearly budget for this charge record. |
667 | ROUTINGS | Expense_MTD | Enter your company's monthly expense for this charge record. |
668 | ROUTINGS | Expense_YTD | Enter your company's yearly expense for this charge record. |
669 | ROUTINGS | Job_No | |
670 | ROUTINGS | Labor_MTD | Enter your company's monthly labor expense for this charge record. |
671 | ROUTINGS | Labor_YTD | Enter your company's yearly labor expense for this charge record. |
672 | ROUTINGS | Lot_No | If you don't use lot numbers, then just leave this field blank. |
673 | ROUTINGS | Note | |
674 | ROUTINGS | Overhead_MTD | Enter your company's monthly overhead expense for this charge record. |
675 | ROUTINGS | Overhead_YTD | Enter your company's yearly overhead expense for this charge record. |
676 | ROUTINGS | Total_MTD | Enter your company's total monthly expense for this charge record. |
677 | ROUTINGS | Total_YTD | Enter your company's total yearly expense for this charge record. |
678 | SCHEDULE | Badge | |
679 | SCHEDULE | Clock_In_Time | The scheduled times to be used that day fo clock in, lunch ,etc. |
680 | SCHEDULE | Clock_Out_Time | The scheduled times to be used that day fo clock in, lunch ,etc. |
681 | SCHEDULE | Department No | The department the employee is assiged. |
682 | SCHEDULE | Employee_No | The employee number. |
683 | SCHEDULE | Lunch_Length | The scheduled times to be used that day fo clock in, lunch ,etc. |
684 | SCHEDULE | Lunch_Start | The scheduled times to be used that day fo clock in, lunch ,etc. |
685 | SCHEDULE | Paid_Lunch | The scheduled times to be used that day fo clock in, lunch ,etc. |
686 | SCHEDULE | Schedule_Date | The date for which the schedule will be used. |
687 | SCHLEAVE | Absence_Code | |
688 | SCHLEAVE | Badge | |
689 | SCHLEAVE | First_Day | |
690 | SCHLEAVE | Fulltimerequired | |
691 | SCHLEAVE | Hours | Enter the hours scheduled here to be on leave. |
692 | SCHLEAVE | Last_Day | |
693 | SCHLEAVE | NoneCondition | |
694 | SCHLEAVE | Note | Enter the reason for the scheduled leave, if any. |
695 | SCHLEAVE | RateMultiplier | |
696 | SCHLEAVE | Saturday | |
697 | SCHLEAVE | Seniority_Days | |
698 | SCHLEAVE | SenorityRequired | |
699 | SCHLEAVE | Starting_Date | Enter the begin date for this scheduled leave. |
700 | SCHLEAVE | Sunday | |
701 | SCHLEAVE | Thru_Date | |
702 | SCHLEAVE | Workdayafter | |
703 | SCHLEAVE | Workdaybefore | The worker must have worked the prior day to receive the holiday credit hours. |
704 | SHFTCODE | Badges_Limit | |
705 | SHFTCODE | Department | |
706 | SHFTCODE | Group_Crew_Set | |
707 | SHFTCODE | Job_Class | |
708 | SHFTCODE | Mon-Range 1 Begin | |
709 | SHFTCODE | No_Restriction | Check this option to NOT LIMIT THIS to any particular group of people., |
710 | SHFTCODE | Notes | Put your notes in here describing your policy in detail. |
711 | SHFTCODE | Pct Differential Pay | |
712 | SHFTCODE | Restrict_Badges | |
713 | SHFTCODE | Restrict_Class | |
714 | SHFTCODE | Restrict_Department | |
715 | SHFTCODE | Restrict_Group | |
716 | SHFTCODE | Restrict_Option_Set | |
717 | SHFTCODE | Segment_Code | |
718 | SHFTCODE | Shift | |
719 | SHFTCODE | Sun-Range 1 Begin | |
720 | SHFTCODE | Sun-Range 1 End | |
721 | SHFTCODE | Time_Option_Set | |
722 | SOUNDS | Award_Points | |
723 | SOUNDS | Description | |
724 | SOUNDS | Disable_Speaker | If you want no sound when this event occurs, check this box. |
725 | SOUNDS | Internal_Event_ID_No | |
726 | SOUNDS | Minutes_1_GT | |
727 | SOUNDS | Minutes_1_LT | |
728 | SOUNDS | Playwave_Filename | |
729 | SOUNDS | Points_1_GT | |
730 | SOUNDS | Points_1_LT | |
731 | SOUNDS | Record_Event | |
732 | SOUNDS | Show_Cause_Popup | |
733 | SOUNDS | Show_this_string | |
734 | SOUNDS | Use_PC_Speaker | |
735 | SOUNDS | Use_Sound_Card | |
736 | SUPERVIS | Transaction_Date | |
737 | SYSOPTON | ATO_Char | |
738 | SYSOPTON | Add_OnFly_Employees | |
739 | SYSOPTON | Address | Used for informational purposes only. |
740 | SYSOPTON | AllowBlanks_1 | |
741 | SYSOPTON | AllowBlanks_10 | |
742 | SYSOPTON | AllowBlanks_11 | |
743 | SYSOPTON | AllowBlanks_2 | |
744 | SYSOPTON | AllowBlanks_3 | |
745 | SYSOPTON | AllowBlanks_4 | |
746 | SYSOPTON | AllowBlanks_5 | |
747 | SYSOPTON | AllowBlanks_6 | |
748 | SYSOPTON | AllowBlanks_7 | |
749 | SYSOPTON | AllowBlanks_8 | |
750 | SYSOPTON | AllowBlanks_9 | |
751 | SYSOPTON | Apply_Pay_Zones | |
752 | SYSOPTON | Archive_Days | |
753 | SYSOPTON | AutoReports | |
754 | SYSOPTON | Automatic_CINS | |
755 | SYSOPTON | Automatic_OUTS | |
756 | SYSOPTON | CSL_Before | |
757 | SYSOPTON | CSTCFN_Alloc_Normal | |
758 | SYSOPTON | CSTCFN_Enabled | |
759 | SYSOPTON | Check_OT_Atstart | |
760 | SYSOPTON | CityStZip | Used for informational purposes only. |
761 | SYSOPTON | ClientUseAckReq | |
762 | SYSOPTON | ClockIN_TimeZone | |
763 | SYSOPTON | Company Name | |
764 | SYSOPTON | DDEClientHotLinkStartup | |
765 | SYSOPTON | DDEClientReqstrStartup | |
766 | SYSOPTON | DDEInterface | |
767 | SYSOPTON | DailySchedules_ByDOW | |
768 | SYSOPTON | Datalog_All_Changes | |
769 | SYSOPTON | Datalog_Emp_Changes | |
770 | SYSOPTON | DaysBack_ToCheck | |
771 | SYSOPTON | Dept_Level_Views | |
772 | SYSOPTON | Desired_No_PunchCols | |
773 | SYSOPTON | DirectComm | |
774 | SYSOPTON | Discard_Dupe_Scans | |
775 | SYSOPTON | Dupe_Scan_Seconds | |
776 | SYSOPTON | Dwgfile_Directory | |
777 | SYSOPTON | EditPunches | |
778 | SYSOPTON | EmpNo_SameAsBadgeNo | |
779 | SYSOPTON | Enable CST/CFN | |
780 | SYSOPTON | Expansion_2 | |
781 | SYSOPTON | External Interface | |
782 | SYSOPTON | External Interface startu | |
783 | SYSOPTON | Hotkey_Char | |
784 | SYSOPTON | ImportExisting | |
785 | SYSOPTON | Inputlabel_1 | The first TextBox or InputBox uses this label on your PC Timeclock! |
786 | SYSOPTON | Inputlabel_10 | The tenth TextBox or InputBox uses this label on your PC Timeclock! |
787 | SYSOPTON | Inputlabel_11 | The eleventh TextBox or InputBox uses this label on your PC Timeclock! |
788 | SYSOPTON | Inputlabel_2 | The second TextBox or InputBox uses this label on your PC Timeclock! |
789 | SYSOPTON | Inputlabel_3 | The third TextBox or InputBox uses this label on your PC Timeclock! |
790 | SYSOPTON | Inputlabel_4 | The fourth TextBox or InputBox uses this label on your PC Timeclock! |
791 | SYSOPTON | Inputlabel_5 | The fifth TextBox or InputBox uses this label on your PC Timeclock! |
792 | SYSOPTON | Inputlabel_6 | The sixth TextBox or InputBox uses this label on your PC Timeclock! |
793 | SYSOPTON | Inputlabel_7 | The seventh TextBox or InputBox uses this label on your PC Timeclock! |
794 | SYSOPTON | Inputlabel_8 | The eighth TextBox or InputBox uses this label on your PC Timeclock! |
795 | SYSOPTON | Inputlabel_9 | The ninth TextBox or InputBox uses this label on your PC Timeclock! |
796 | SYSOPTON | Log_Points | |
797 | SYSOPTON | Login_Name_forMail | |
798 | SYSOPTON | Login_PW_forMail | |
799 | SYSOPTON | Maintain_Plan_vsAuto | Undefined at this time |
800 | SYSOPTON | ManualClocks | |
801 | SYSOPTON | Missing_Punch_Range | |
802 | SYSOPTON | Next_Adjustment_No | |
803 | SYSOPTON | NoPoll_In_EZButton | |
804 | SYSOPTON | NoRevise_FloatHelp | |
805 | SYSOPTON | PP_Monthly | Check this if your payroll is a monthly payroll. |
806 | SYSOPTON | PP_Twicepermonth | |
807 | SYSOPTON | PP_UserDefine_Days | |
808 | SYSOPTON | PP_UserDefine_Startdate | |
809 | SYSOPTON | PP_UserDefined_Length | |
810 | SYSOPTON | PP_Weekly | Check this if you have a weekly payroll scope. |
811 | SYSOPTON | PP_Weeklystart_DOW | |
812 | SYSOPTON | Picture_Directory | Clock-IN! Launch After Polling field. |
813 | SYSOPTON | Post_Actual_Costs | |
814 | SYSOPTON | Prefix_1 | |
815 | SYSOPTON | Prefix_10 | |
816 | SYSOPTON | Prefix_11 | |
817 | SYSOPTON | Prefix_2 | |
818 | SYSOPTON | Prefix_3 | |
819 | SYSOPTON | Prefix_4 | |
820 | SYSOPTON | Prefix_5 | |
821 | SYSOPTON | Prefix_6 | |
822 | SYSOPTON | Prefix_7 | |
823 | SYSOPTON | Prefix_8 | |
824 | SYSOPTON | Prefix_9 | |
825 | SYSOPTON | Read_MAPI_Mail | |
826 | SYSOPTON | Realtime_Noshows | |
827 | SYSOPTON | Recalc_ToNow | |
828 | SYSOPTON | Save_Charges_Array | |
829 | SYSOPTON | Separator_Char | |
830 | SYSOPTON | TotalCards_InSeries | |
831 | SYSOPTON | Trans_Access_isALL | |
832 | SYSOPTON | Trigger_Conditions | |
833 | SYSOPTON | Trigger_Exceptions | |
834 | SYSOPTON | UseDaylightST | Check this box if you want to enable daylight savings time. |
835 | SYSOPTON | Use_Time_Segments | |
836 | SYSOPTON | Valfile_1 | |
837 | SYSOPTON | Valfile_10 | |
838 | SYSOPTON | Valfile_11 | |
839 | SYSOPTON | Valfile_2 | |
840 | SYSOPTON | Valfile_3 | |
841 | SYSOPTON | Valfile_4 | |
842 | SYSOPTON | Valfile_5 | |
843 | SYSOPTON | Valfile_6 | |
844 | SYSOPTON | Valfile_7 | |
845 | SYSOPTON | Valfile_8 | |
846 | SYSOPTON | Valfile_9 | |
847 | SYSOPTON | Validate_Blanks | |
848 | SYSOPTON | Validate_Prefixes | |
849 | SYSOPTON | Write_Mapi_Mail | |
850 | TIMES | Hours_Charge | |
851 | TIMES | Notes | Enter a description here of the time. |
852 | TIMES | Remark | This is a free form notes field you can use for whatever purpose. |
853 | TODOS | Badge | |
854 | TRANSACT | Badge_Employee | |
855 | TRANSACT | Days_Pay_Secds | |
856 | TRANSACT | Home_Group_No | |
857 | TRANSACT | Transact_Badge | |
858 | VALFILES | Assign_Textbox_No | |
859 | VALFILES | Download_File_No | |
860 | VALFILES | Download_with_Prefix | |
861 | VALFILES | File_to_Download | |
862 | VALFILES | Left_Justify | |
863 | VALFILES | Notes | Enter your notes here explaining your setup. |
864 | VALFILES | Size_Data_ToLength | |
865 | VALFILES | Zero_Fill | |
866 | WORDERS | Account | This field is currently unused. |
867 | WORDERS | Bud_Expense_MTD | Enter your company's monthly expense budget for this charge record. |
868 | WORDERS | Bud_Expense_YTD | Enter your company's yearly expense budget for this charge record. |
869 | WORDERS | Bud_Labor_MTD | Enter your company's monthly labor budget for this charge record. |
870 | WORDERS | Bud_Labor_YTD | Enter your company's yearly labor budget for this charge record. |
871 | WORDERS | Bud_Overhead_MTD | Enter your company's monthly overhead budget for this charge record. |
872 | WORDERS | Bud_Overhead_YTD | Enter your company's yearly overhead budget for this charge record. |
873 | WORDERS | Bud_Total_MTD | Enter your company's total monthly budget for this charge record. |
874 | WORDERS | Bud_Total_YTD | Enter your company's total yearly budget for this charge record. |
875 | WORDERS | Client | |
876 | WORDERS | Date_Limit | Enter the Work Order due date from the calendar pulldown box. |
877 | WORDERS | Department | |
878 | WORDERS | Description | This is a free form notes field you can use for whatever purpose. |
879 | WORDERS | Expense_MTD | Enter your company's monthly expense for this charge record. |
880 | WORDERS | Expense_YTD | Enter your company's yearly expense for this charge record. |
881 | WORDERS | Hours_per_Charge | Enter the number of hours to apply each time this Work Order is charged. |
882 | WORDERS | Labor_MTD | Enter your company's monthly labor expense for this charge record. |
883 | WORDERS | Labor_YTD | Enter your company's yearly labor expense for this charge record. |
884 | WORDERS | Machine | Enter the Machine Code that this Work Order is associated with. |
885 | WORDERS | Number_ofHours | Enter the limit of hours for this Work Order. |
886 | WORDERS | Overhead_MTD | Enter your company's monthly overhead expense for this charge record. |
887 | WORDERS | Overhead_YTD | Enter your company's yearly overhead expense for this charge record. |
888 | WORDERS | Part_Number | Enter the Part code that should be charged whenever this Work Order is charged. |
889 | WORDERS | Project | |
890 | WORDERS | Total_MTD | Enter your company's total monthly expense for this charge record. |
891 | WORDERS | Total_YTD | Enter your company's total yearly expense for this charge record. |
892 | WORDERS | Work_Center | |
893 | WORDERS | Work_Order_No | |
894 | WORKCODE | Description | |
895 | WORKCODE | UserDef1 | |
896 | WORKCODE | UserDef2 | |
897 | WORKCODE | UserDef3 | |
898 | WORKCODE | UserDef4 | |
899 | WORKCODE | Work_Code | |
900 | ZONES | Notes | This is a free form notes field you can use for whatever purpose.